// Winamp database file reader // ©2009 by Steffest // http://www.steffest.com // based on the docs found at http://gutenberg.free.fr/fichiers/SDK%20Winamp/nde_specs_v1.txt // they are a bit outdated as each index is 8 bytes instead of 4 // also there's a datatype 12? // the current docs only go to 11 // (12 seems to be a unicode string for the filename)
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Grids, ExtCtrls, jpeg, shellapi; type Tindex = Record offset : longword; index : longword; end; TNDEfieldheader = Record id : byte; fieldtype : byte; datasize : array[0..1] of word; nextfieldpos: array[0..1] of word; prevfieldpos: array[0..1] of word; // what's up with this? // the array[0..1] of word should actually be a longword, but then it gets read in reversed byte order? end; TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; Memo2: TMemo; grid: TStringGrid; Panel1: TPanel; Button: TButton; SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; aboutpanel: TPanel; Image1: TImage; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; procedure Readindex; procedure ButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure readrecord(offset:integer); function getfield(fieldtype: integer; fieldsize:integer; rawdata:array of byte):string; procedure Label3Click(Sender: TObject); public datafile:string; data:file; indexfile:string; index:file of Tindex; hasfields:boolean; fieldcount:integer; debug:boolean; alldone:boolean; defaultpath:string; end; procedure XlsWriteCellLabel(XlsStream: TStream; const ACol, ARow: Word;const AValue: string); function SaveAsExcelFile(AGrid: TStringGrid; AFileName: string): Boolean; function GetCurrentUserName: string; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var s:string; begin debug := false; if debug then begin memo1.Show; memo2.Show; end; aboutpanel.SendToBack; if alldone then begin if savedialog1.Execute then begin if SaveAsExcelFile(grid, savedialog1.filename) then ShowMessage('all done!'); end; end else begin s := trim(GetCurrentUserName); defaultpath := 'C:\Users\' + s + '\AppData\Roaming\Winamp\Plugins\ml\'; opendialog1.InitialDir := defaultpath; datafile:=''; if fileexists(defaultpath + 'main.dat') then datafile := defaultpath + 'main.dat' else begin showmessage('main.dat not found on default location - please select it'); if opendialog1.Execute then datafile := opendialog1.filename; end; if (datafile <> '') then begin Button.Caption := 'Working ... please wait'; grid.Show; application.ProcessMessages; // open data files // default is "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Winamp\Plugins\ml\main.dat" AssignFile(data, datafile); reset(data,1); // first read fieldnames readrecord(8); hasfields := true; Readindex; CloseFile(data); Button.Caption := 'Export to Excel'; alldone := true; end; end; end;
procedure TForm1.Readindex; var i:integer; recordcount:integer; d:Tindex; begin indexfile := extractfilepath(datafile) + 'main.idx'; AssignFile(index, indexfile); Reset(index); // first 8 bytes are 'NDEINDEX' Seek(index,1); Read(index,d); recordcount := d.offset; if debug then memo1.Lines.add('Database has ' + inttostr(recordcount-2) + ' records'); i:=0; while (not Eof(index)) and (i2 then begin if debug then memo1.Lines.add(inttostr(d.offset)); readrecord(d.offset); end; end; CloseFile(index); end; procedure TForm1.readrecord(offset:integer); var s:string; d:TNDEfieldheader; a:array[1..2048] of byte; datasize:integer; nextoffset:integer; fieldnr:integer; fieldtype:integer; row:integer; currentcol:integer; begin nextoffset := offset ; fieldnr:=0; row := grid.RowCount-2; grid.RowCount := row+3; while nextoffset>0 do begin inc(fieldnr); seek(data,nextoffset); blockread(data,d,sizeof(d)); currentcol := d.id; fieldtype := d.fieldtype; datasize := (d.datasize[1] * 65536) + d.datasize[0]; nextoffset := (d.nextfieldpos[1] * 65536) + d.nextfieldpos[0]; if debug then begin s := 'record ' + inttostr(d.id)+ ' of type ' + inttostr(d.fieldtype)+ ' size: ' + inttostr(datasize) + ' next: ' + inttostr(nextoffset); memo2.Lines.Add(s); end; if datasize>2048 then datasize:=2048; blockread(data,a,datasize); s := getfield(fieldtype,datasize,a); if not hasfields then begin fieldcount := fieldnr; grid.ColCount := fieldcount; end; grid.Cells[currentcol,row] := s; if debug then memo2.Lines.Add('Data:' + s); if fieldnr>fieldcount then nextoffset := 0; end; end; function Tform1.getfield(fieldtype: integer; fieldsize:integer; rawdata:array of byte):string; var w:word; s:string; i:integer; datasize:integer; c:integer; begin s := ''; // fieldtype 12 for filenames ? - handle as string if fieldtype=12 then fieldtype := 3; case fieldtype of 0: //FIELD_COLUMN begin datasize := rawdata[2]; for i := 3 to datasize+2 do begin s := s + chr(rawdata[i]); end; end; 3: //FIELD_STRING begin datasize := (rawdata[1]*256) + rawdata[0]; c := 1; w := 0; // there's seems to be a word value "FFFE" before each string? // ignoring for now for i := 4 to (datasize+1) do begin case c of 1: w := rawdata[i]; 2:begin w := (rawdata[i]*256) + w; s := s + chr(w); c:=0 end; end; inc(c); end; end; 4: //FIELD_INTEGER begin i := (rawdata[1]*256) + rawdata[0] ; s := inttostr(i); end; 10: //FIELD_DATETIME begin i := (rawdata[1]*256) + rawdata[0] ; s := inttostr(i); end; 11: //FIELD_LENGTH begin i := (rawdata[1]*256) + rawdata[0] ; s := inttostr(i); end; else s := 'Unknown data type ' + inttostr(fieldtype); end; result := s; end; procedure XlsWriteCellLabel(XlsStream: TStream; const ACol, ARow: Word; const AValue: string); var L: Word; const {$J+} CXlsLabel: array[0..5] of Word = ($204, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); {$J-} begin L := Length(AValue); CXlsLabel[1] := 8 + L; CXlsLabel[2] := ARow; CXlsLabel[3] := ACol; CXlsLabel[5] := L; XlsStream.WriteBuffer(CXlsLabel, SizeOf(CXlsLabel)); XlsStream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(AValue)^, L); end; function SaveAsExcelFile(AGrid: TStringGrid; AFileName: string): Boolean; const {$J+} CXlsBof: array[0..5] of Word = ($809, 8, 00, $10, 0, 0); {$J-} CXlsEof: array[0..1] of Word = ($0A, 00); var FStream: TFileStream; I, J: Integer; begin Result := False; FStream := TFileStream.Create(PChar(AFileName), fmCreate or fmOpenWrite); try CXlsBof[4] := 0; FStream.WriteBuffer(CXlsBof, SizeOf(CXlsBof)); for i := 0 to AGrid.ColCount - 1 do for j := 0 to AGrid.RowCount - 1 do XlsWriteCellLabel(FStream, I, J, AGrid.cells[i, j]); FStream.WriteBuffer(CXlsEof, SizeOf(CXlsEof)); Result := True; finally FStream.Free; end; end; function GetCurrentUserName: string; const cnMaxUserNameLen = 254; var sUserName: string; dwUserNameLen: DWORD; begin dwUserNameLen := cnMaxUserNameLen - 1; SetLength(sUserName, cnMaxUserNameLen); GetUserName(PChar(sUserName), dwUserNameLen); SetLength(sUserName, dwUserNameLen); Result := sUserName; end; procedure TForm1.Label3Click(Sender: TObject); begin shellexecute(application.Handle,'open','http://www.steffest.com',nil,nil,0); end; end.